Friday, November 4, 2011

Pajama Day Rocks!

Hello and Happy Friday to you!

Pajama day rocks! Everyone came in their pajamas and we have been having a great day! We have Snow White pjs, Disney Princesses nightgowns, Diego pjs, flower, elephant and sock monkey pjs. So fun! We had a great morning with sharing and working on our shape book. Just wait until you see it.

I have had many parents ask about academics here at Cherub. Yes, academics have their place, but remember, developing fine motor skills happens when you finger paint, color, string beads and any other fine motor activity so that they work their finger muscles. Number and letter recognition happen several times a day. "It's time to go to snack...if your name starts with A, B, C. etc." "Let's talk about how many children are here today...."(this is counting with correspondence).

Remember play is your child's work. They work through things, they learn and develop valuable social skills, cooperation, cause and effect, conservation skills like more and less, bigger and smaller, tall and short etc. Every activity we schedule here has a reason and a desired outcome for each child. Some of our younger ones will be learning to use more words, older ones will learn how to cooperate, participate, take responsibility, etc.

We have several activities every day that exercise different areas of the brain like: large motor skills, fine motor skills, social skills, showing empathy and becoming a cooperative member of our group, etc. We focus on the science of life, the practical side of life, the whimsy of life.

Remember that they are only (fill in the blank) years out of the nest and are learning how to negoiate this complex world. What may seem commonplace to you and I, is often met with confusion, the need for reassurance, repetition and enthusiasm of something new.

A recent study showed that children need to hear something on average of 75 times before they understand and "get it". We use a lot of repetition here to help children grasp a concept. We use many different ways to communicate with your children; tactile, auditory, visual etc. Questions? Please ask.

I have a semi-uncooperative camera only one photo from the internet. Have a great weekend and make a memory together!

Miss Sue

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